it is amazing what a good nights sleep can do. last night, i was in bed just after 10pm and the light was out before 10.30pm - unheard of behaviour for this night owl!! i was woken up at midnight by rain pounding on the roof but was asleep again very soon and slept through until the radio news came on at 6am. i felt so much better today and it's not too late for another early night!!
subway dinner and went to bingo with mrs jane tonight. as usual, we didn't win but it was good to catch up - our first this year.

music to my ears
no cities left :
the dears
abc 702
chutes too narrow :
the shins - miss e and i are going to see them at
the metro on sunday night, which is also miss e's birthday - we've both got monday as an
rdo so we can stay out late and drink too much!!