btw, i managed to make it as far as today without mentioning the worldwide prostration to the shrine of consumerism and overpriced frippery... check this out - beautiful words that resonate much better for me than some distressed floral arrangement and scruffy teddy bear. happy woden's day!
here is something i have not played for a while. i stopped after a rather severe blogslump but still get the emails every week...

1. How do accents come about? human nature & evolution - this page gives a perfect explanation - i love it when other people can provide the words that i cannot quite string together
2. Why are certain brands more desirable over others? it is due to the power of the advertising dollar and also to a level of stupidity and a certain sheep-like need to conform that drives most consumers... bring back the individual!!!
3. Why do we use different currencies? for the same reasons we have different accents...

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