despite having a medium-sized hangover and not much sleep (check the timestamp on the previous post), i was awake at 7am. i could have slept all day but i had to go back to the medical centre to pick up the pictures of my gizzards... the trip to maroubra and back supersized the hangover to extra-large but some gatorade and a very large coffee soon helped downgrade it back a more manageable level. at least you might be pleased to know that i don't have gallstones... that is the good news... the bad news? i have no idea now what causes the occasional incidents of debilitating pain/nausea that were being blamed on the non-existant stones...
i watched '
fearless' on dvd this afternoon and had forgotten how harrowing the crash scenes were... i'm planning a trip to visit my aunt on the gold coast over easter - i was going to fly but after watching this film, i think i'd rather walk.

music to my ears

teenage werewolf / quarter to three : faker - over and over again... obsessed...
black & white town : doves
a house on a street in a town i'm from : the panics