apparently last week was de-lurking week. i don't know about blog-de-lurking but i know i have to stop lurking about in my own life.
the last two days have been a haze of sleep and painkillers - a delightful combination of an upset stomach and 'the pain you can't explain' that resulted in a day off work and missing out on a picnic trip to shark island with ho and the gang he works with.
add to this a strong dose of the famous blahs and i have my own personal blues festival happening. it's become too hard to be a part of the 'put on a brave face and get on with life' brigade; i've been doing that for way too long and i'm tired of it. after much consideration, i've taken the plunge and decided to open that little box of stuff and see what happens. wish me luck :)
later:: went down to darlinghurst to have dinner with ho & mr at pink peppercorn - yummo!!! laotian food is a lot like thai and really yummy.

1. Paralyzed:: paralympics
2. Bossy:: boots
3. Worth:: ...your weight in gold
4. Breathing:: living
5. Uneventful:: boring
6. Return:: of the king
7. Splint:: shin...
8. Notice:: public
9. Hero:: my...
10. Vulnerable:: naked - nsfw...
daily happiness::
afternoon tea with miss e - i'll say it again, the bestest friend a girl can have.
update:: i forgot that i was going out again, so the count went from a sad single

just the voices in my head...