to make up for being so boring, i belatedly bring you...

This week (since I'm fresh out of new ideas), I thought I'd ask you to use the letters in your name (first, last, middle, or other) to list words that describe you!
Nearly 45 - eek!!
and while i'm at it, i'll play along with a tag from raida...
list 8 different points of your perfect lover/partner, mentioning the gender of said partner.
my perfect partner (male):
1. is tall
2. can cook
3. likes dogs
4. likes kisses
5. shares the housework
6. is perfectly imperfect
7. has dark hair and dark eyes
8. is cute (in my eyes at least)
i'm so lame - i'll just tag anyone how wants to play...
daily happiness::
um, clutching at straws... a day off work, even though i did waste it.
a 0

the voices in my head