i can highly recommend blogmeets. it was so lovely to spend time with someone i have only previous known in the virtual plane. nisi is just as fun to chat to in real time as she is to chat with online. now when we chat, i'll have an updated mental picture of her surroundings.

1. What season are you in right now?
2. Do you celebrate anything special this time of year?
not really - perhaps the end of summer...
3. Name 3 things that come to mind when you think of spring (or your current season)?
spring? restless, move house, change jobs.
autumn? cooler, get to wear long sleeve, daylight saving ends
4. In the current season, about how many hours of the day are daylight hours?
i don't know...
5. Do you do any 'spring cleaning?'?
not really
6. Do you wash your own car or take it to the car wash?
neither, don't have a car
7. Do you hang your laundry out on a clothesline on nice days?
no, i cannot be sure that it wont be stolen...
...and the following is optional; although I do encourage you
to participate:
8. Post a picture that reflects the current season where
you live.
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