Monday, June 21, 2004

hooray for holidays!

thanks to everyone who has said kind words about my little booboo. a google search told me that the average age for pet budgies is 8-10 years so i guess she had a good long life.

i've spent the first day of my holiday just pottering about at home, doing the washing, cleaning the kitchen. it's nice to be a lady of leisure for a few days.

monday madness!

otto says "This week's set of questions are all about you! Have a marvelous week!! =)"

Do you prefer....
1. Long hair or Short hair it's easier to look after.
2. Contacts or Glasses i use both. would prefer neither but am too gutless (and poor) to have laser surgery.
3. Spring or Autumn i love spring flowers.
4. Mittens or Gloves you can't do much with your hands when wearing mittens.
5. Car or Truck/SUV neither, i'm a pedestrian and a passenger.
6. Mac or Windows only because i've never used a mac
7. Cats or Dogs i do like kittycats but my obsession with dogs is well known.
8. Rock or Jazz jazz can be very, very boring.
9. Pen or Pencil both, i'm a stationery slut. let me loose in the stationery supply store and i'll be happy.
10. DVD's or VHS's better features on dvd and you don't have to rewind!

i'll be back later with some bowling scores.