better late than never...

- Sleep:: in
- Stats:: damned lies and statistics
- Portfolio:: collection
- Lipton:: jiggler
- Telly:: roger mellie: the man on the...
- Immigrate:: life change
- Viable:: proposition
- Serene:: calm
- Mountain:: dew
- Natalie:: merchant
apart from that, i've had some quality kimchat, a brief morning timchat & have snow patrol to look forward to tomorrow night - yeah!

if this is monday, i must be mad...

otto says "Here is the beginning of each of the following questions... 'If you had your choice between this and that, what would you do?'"
1. Skipping and Running
2. Coke or Pepsi
3. Rock or Hip Hop
4. Laptop or Desktop
5. Cold Weather or Hot Weather
6. Swimming or Bicycling
7. Chocolate or Vanilla
8. Day or Night
9. Looks or Brains
10. Cable, DSL, or Dial-Up

118, 127, 91 - we got 8 points & we're still on top. miss shell bowled a 202 - go girl!
the final straw : snow patrol (in preparation for seeing them live tomorrow night - yippee!!

more from typogenerator:

way too much fun!!