Friday, December 09, 2005


did i tell you that our manager has decided that we need some time out at the end of the week so every friday afternoon we have a destress session. each week, one of the 4 teams has to collect $1 from each person and go buy something yummy to eat and devise a game to play. at 3pm, we down tools and have half an hour to graze on chips, dips, cheese, sometimes biscuits, sometimes ice creams and play games. so far, we've played mini golf and a kind of hand/football game and this week it was 'pass the parcel'. i take back what i said about the new job being a pain in the arse...

a 7 day which is 70% of the RDDHA with megabazillion bon(e)us points for the 4 city dogs and another 50 trillion bazillion for stick dog - he had at least 6 big sticks in his gob and had a smile a mile wide on his lovely doggy face.

music to my ears
antics : interpol
turn on the bright lights : interpol
best of : new order
get ready : new order
vega 95.3