slept in.
surfed the net - so many blogs, so little time!!
engaged in

went to the post office to pick up some parcels - my dvd/cd purchase from the abc shop (see music to my ears below) and another parcel from my mother - the things i left behind at christmas. doh!! she has gone up north to my sister's for two weeks, so it was easier for her to post them to me.
bought some groceries as i have been scrounging on cereal and not much else since i returned from the ancestral shack.
at least the heat eased off today. my flat gets soooo hot. it was about 10° cooler outside - according to my little weather thingy, it was only about 26°C max today. nice :)
a zero

enter the 80's : various - a collection of fine 80's songs with matching dvd!
demon days : gorillaz
vega 95.3