thursday: nothing exciting
friday: company christmas party - spent most of the night swilling champagne and talking to jo. despite saying i would not stay all night, it was a lot of fun and i was there till stumps and was still relatively sober. found miss e on the same bus home. we had a good giggle as i had walked straight past her and sat in the back seat. a few minutes into the trip, i spotted her and went and sat in the seat next to her. she thought i was either a nutter or a stalker - she was right on both counts :)
saturday: spent way too much time on the net but managed to clean the bathroom, the loungeroom, run the hoover over the floors and make it to the supermarket before it closed. went to friend m's birthday party in surry hills - drank some way too rich cocktails and again stayed later than planned but had fun.
sunday: did a load of washing and spent even more time on the net. playing with flickr has become a bit of an obsession.
i will mutter tomorrow, i need to get some sleep now.
a plenty

new order, new order more new order and some more new order
vega 95.3