today was just a normal 3rd daughter day. get up, go to work, come home, get on the net, have some dinner, back on the net :)
just so otto does not think i have abandoned her, here is a belated effort at...

1. Words most commonly mispronounced.
um, any word that can have an extra syllable added like nuclear and film (along with just about all other words, really...)
then there is prostrate/prostate & crutch/crotch (they always appear to be substituted for one another...)
2. Words used improperly.
i really, really hate it when people say/write 'could/should/would of' when they mean 'could/should/would have'. that really, really pisses me off!!
don't get me started on the frustration trying to explain to someone that there is a difference between 'then' and 'than' - this person had used them willy-nilly throughout a business document and was so adamant that there is no difference that i started to doubt myself...
3. Words most often misspelled. in my experience, just about every word ever invented. this human spell checker cannot find space to list them all here...
4. Words or phrases that you feel are over-used. 'going forward', 'hit the ground running', 'oh, susan will you stop banging on'...
a 7/11

elemental : tears for fears
songs from the big chair : tears for fears
seeds of love : tears for fears
it's my life : talk talk
the best of : james
singles : new order
low life : new order
get ready : new order
the best of : new order
vega 95.3