i got in the lift after leaving work today and saw a face i recognised. 4 years ago, i was retrenched/laid off/downsized/made redundant from my last IT job. we were given the services of an '
outplacement' agency to help us along in our search for a new job. my consultant was a divine lady named gwen - she was so lovely & positive and a pleasure to know. i last saw her just before i didn't move to melbourne (that is another story...) and it was soooo nice to see her again today. she is off to hawaii for 3 weeks (lucky duck) but we're going to catch up again when she returns. on top of that, from the bus on the way home, i saw a guy i used to work with about 10 years ago. he was walking along albion street so he did not see me.
they say things happen in threes - who, when & where is the next blast from the past???

today's soundtrack:
kicking the national habit : grand national