on monday night i was contacted by a
young man through one of the dating sites i'm registered on. i have to tell you again, despite my profile showing a preference for an older age range, i'm sure it must subliminally say 'she likes young men, really...' we had a nice online chat and we did so again last night. he lives very close to where i work and had a day off today so he asked me to meet him for lunch. normally i would not meet up with someone so soon but after some convincing, i agreed and spent a very nice hour with this very handsome young man in a nearby coffee shop. now don't get too excited - i doubt that it will be anything but friendship. i'm more impressed with myself for taking the risk, accepting the challenge, jumping right out of my very cosy comfort zone and giving the personal boundaries a good stretch. go me!
met mrs jane for a
subway dinner and a spot of bingo tonight - i won a $30 voucher! yeah! janie gave me a christmas gift which is now sitting under my tree. i'm going to be very patient and save it for christmas eve.
still liking the new office. we had the official opening today - the bigwigs from melbourne came to visit, did the ribbon cutting thing and then we had cake to celebrate. it now takes not much more than 30 minutes to get from my front door to my desk and that includes stopping to get coffee!

today's soundtrack:
kicking the national habit : grand national