there was a huuuuuge thunderstorm just as i was leaving work this afternoon - i got drenched just crossing the road to the bus stop.

otto says '8 more questions submitted by MM players! Thank you!! Please consider paying a visit to your fellow participants' sites...(links provided)'
1. From Mel... Do you have a favorite 80's song? west end girls : pet shop boys
2. From Luzja... What’s the biggest event in your life to date? being born...
3. From Amy... What's one more thing during your lifetime you would like to learn how to do well? love...
4. From Susan... what is your earliest childhood memory? when i was about 4 years old, my mother took me into parramatta to have a photo taken with santa. we had lunch at coles cafeteria & somewhere, somehow i ended up with a balloon. on the way home, my balloon burst when it hit the hot concrete at the railway station and when we got home our dog, boxhead, had gone to doggy heaven...
5. From LDH... What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? um, $0.15 per pound???
6. From Beverly and Rosie... Where, When and What is your most favorite memory? the one that comes to mind - visiting my grandparents in lismore when i was about 10 or 11. my grandfather came home from the supermarket and told me he had bought a surprise for me. my grandfather had a cleft palate so his speech was often hard to understand. i usually had no trouble understanding him but that day i could only work out that there was a surprise but could not decipher what the surprise was. i had to wait until the groceries were delivered to find out he had bought me some ice-cream and it was all for me - i did not have to share it with my sisters. my grandfather and i had a very nice mutual admiration society thing happening.
7. From Shirl... Do you fit in? never, i'm the eternal round peg in a square hole, the blacksheep of the family & always the odd one out.
8. From Sherle... Tell me your favorite recipe then go to Recipe Swap and share it with all of us!
chicken scaloppine with herbs from antonio carluccio's italian feast:
4 skinless chicken breasts with bone (i've never seen them with a bone but if you can get 'em, use 'em!)
2 tablespoons seasoned plain flour
75g (3oz) unsalted butter
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon each of the follow fresh herbs (finely chopped - i use double this amount)
chervil, dill, parsley, chive, basil, mint, rosemary
1/2 garlic clove, finely chopped (being a garlic monster, i use 2 cloves)
1/4 fresh red chili pepper, finely chopped
grated rind and juice of 1 lime
4 tablespoons of chicken stock
4 tablespoons dry white wine (i just chuck it in without measuring...)
sea salt
cut the chicken pieces into an 'octopus' (slice it, leaving the bone end intact so it looks kinda like an octopus) and dust it with the seasoned flour (i chuck it all in large freezer bag and shake it all about)
heat half the butter and the olive oil and fry the chicken until it is browned on each side. remove from pan and keep warm.
in the same pan, melt remaining butter. add the rest of the ingredients. return the chicken to the pan and poach for about 10 minutes until cooked. season with sea salt to taste and then gobble it down. yum!

122, 100, 133 - over average for the 3 games at last!! tonight was the final game for the year - we only go two points (against a team that did not even show up...) and will stay in 4th place. because there was only 3 of us, we finished before 8pm. the other teams were only half way through their second games, so we wont know who won until we next year... normal bowling reports will resume on january 24th...