Tuesday, January 04, 2005

balancing the grinch...

there still appears to be elements of the grinch hiding in crevices and coming out to surprise me. i'm doing my best to be rid of them.

i was not looking forward to work this morning. it seemed like there was a whole year of misery ahead and it was very daunting. in the end, the day went quite well. i'm catching up with my outstanding follow ups and i've been earmarked to train some of the other staff for one of the particular aspects of the job and do some quality checking. i'll also be looking after our team mailbox while the senior is on leave. it's nice to have some training (both learning and teaching) and also to be given some new tasks. i might just last the year... when i weigh up the positives and the negatives, the positives are winning today...

just to ensure that i'm in grinch-be-gone mood i've decided to do this week's unconcious muttering and monday madness again (just without the links for um and perhaps less verbose for mm...)

monday madness!
otto says 'We've just begun a new calendar year, so this has inspired me to ask the following... Happy New Year, everyone! And thank you for playing Monday Madness with us!! =)'

1. The most exciting thing that happened in your life this past year. reconnecting with a lot of old friends
2. Three resolutions that you've thought about making. be kind to myself, spend less time on the net (thought of only...), get healthier
3. Your biggest accomplishment this past year. breathing in, breathing out
4. Your biggest challenge this past year. my job
5. Something you tried for the first time (whether it be food, a sport, a hobby, etc.) not technically the first time but for the first time in years, i rediscovered how much i love going to to see bands play.
...and this next one comes from Andrea...
6. Name 3 (or however many) things that happened this year that you did not anticipate happening. And on the flip side, name 3 (or however many) things that didn't happen this year that you expected to happen. These could be personal things, professional things, national things, things in the news; anything really.
happened but not expected: reconnecting with old friends, changing jobs, death of my pet budgerigar
expected but did not happen: that i would go crazy, give up blogging, find my missing earring, stop ending sentences with three dots...

...and this one comes from Storyteller...
7. Where WOULD you go for inspiration when you run out of questions for a meme? google
8. Something you'd like to accomplish (or do) this coming year that you didn't get a chance to do last year. be kind to myself

  1. Newspaper:: sydney morning herald
  2. DVD:: american splendor
  3. Resolution:: be kind to myself
  4. Intimate:: trust
  5. Song:: the wild son – the veils
  6. Essential:: trust
  7. Whistle:: wolf…
  8. Glass:: broken…
  9. Countdown:: essential 70’s television
  10. Child:: inner…
music to my ears
the runaway found : the veils
hot shots II - the beta band