Wednesday, February 04, 2004

ah, whatever...

a bad cbbb day yesterday. started to write a post and explorer got lost and shut itself down and i just didn't have the energy to start again.

today could easily have turned out the same. at last it is payday and i had visions of all those lovely $$$$ from the recent attack of overtime... only to have my visions swept away by the fact that all of those hard worked hours had not been reported to the payroll system. the flimsiest of excuses - she forgot and the bitch had the hide to go off on leave for 3 days because she knew she'd have 25 people on her back about the lack of $$$$ in the coffers. just another reason to look for a new job (there is a local one advertised this week so have updated the old cv in preparation for the application...)

tonight i went to bingo with mrs jane, as usual we couldn't win a pox in a whorehouse raffle. mustn't grumble, it's always fun to spend time with mrs jane.

i missed the boat for chick chat so let's pretend it's tuesday, again...
   The Lil People
1. What's your nickname for your children?: um, don't have any... next question...
2. Did your mom have a special nickname for you growing up?: yes... little pattie, because i wanted to be this woman. my parents still call me this...
3. What's the best thing a child ever said to you?: "auntie susie, do sheeps have boogers?" - my nephew michael at age 2 or 3, he is now 19.
4. How many meatloaf's would you have if money was no object?: um, i don't know if i understand this question... if we're talking meatloaf records, none... if we're talking dinner, again, none...
5. What's the silliest thing one of your weasal's has done?: um, this one is even more out there. can i have some of whatever it is that you are on?

and now we return to our regular wednesday broadcast. here is tonight's episode of... Wednesday Whatevers
1. If you were to commit suicide, how would you do it? um, don't know if i like this question. the times i've considered it, it usually involved the idea of walking out into the ocean and not coming back...
2. What is your best stress reliever? susan's surefire triple 's' system - sleep, singing, sex - i only get to use two of those...
3. How do you feel about jokes bashing the opposite sex? love them if they are genuinely funny. we girls give as good as we get...