Thursday, February 12, 2004

throaty thursday...

the sore throat has degenerated to a loss of voice - what a bonus for a call centre operator. i can always go to work tomorrow and stay off the phones, just spend the day shuffling paper... that would break my heart... will see how i feel tomorrow when i wake up...

despite another hot, sticky, rainy day, it was a 10 dogger and a very amusing but d&m conversation with colorado tim has left a good impression. praise to the internet - it takes away the need to use my voice to have conversations.

also talking to mlb in london - his birthday is tomorrow and he's getting himself a harley!! happy birthday to you! dreams do come true!

better late than nevers, here's some Wednesday Whatevers
1. What is your greatest weakness? Explain. um, men, chocolate, a nice smile - no explanation necessary...
2. What do you avoid at all costs? conflict
3. If you could stop time, what would you do? can i stop it then restart it? um, too hard...

i'm off for an early night...

p.s. i don't know if i've mentioned this here before but just after christmas i won a free ticket to see lotr:rotk via a promo thingy on a schweppes traditional lemonade bottle... now i've been hanging out to see this film since the end of lotr:t2t and even cried when watching a trailer back in october because i did not want to wait another 2 months to see it. anyway, the precioussss ticket was supposed to be with me within 2 weeks... 2 weeks later all i got was an sms on my mobile telling me to go to some website to confirm my address... done... 2 weeks later i went to the cadbury schweppes website and sent a nice email just asking when i might expect the ticket as i would be very disappointed to miss it at the cinema as i had been putting off seeing it in the expectation of receiving my prize etc. etc. ... standard bland response - notified mailing house etc... blahblahblah... 2 more weeks... nowt!!! another email sent - not so nice this time - forget the ticket, just send a list of your products so i know what not to buy in future (there goes my gin & tonic consumption - who else makes tonic water??), very disappointed, lifelong consumer, blahblahblah... that was last friday... monday, a little card from the post office - registered mail item to be picked up... oooh!!! went to collect it yesterday - 4 TICKETS... now i just need to find somebody who hasn't already seen it... or just watch it 4 times... my faith in cadbury schweppes is restored and i can keep drinking the g&ts... yeah!! (and eating chocolate... mmm... cadbury dairy milk...)