Tuesday, February 17, 2004

will it ever end...

and the cough goes on... it's mildy better but still there, so another day spent looking about the web, lolling on the couch, reading my book, etc...

tuesday   The Breakfast of Champions!

1. How do you like your eggs?: cooked any way - if boiled (or fried), white must not be hard and rubbery (or brown and crinkled) and either way, the yolk must be warm but still runny, not hard and crumbly. not that i'm fussy about how i like my eggs!!! btw, my mother makes the most perfect fried egg in the known universe...
2. French Toast /or/ Pancakes?: um, i love both... forced to make a choice, french toast with fresh banana and maple syrup... yum...
3. Toast: White /or/ Wheat?: ditto - forced again, white
4. Sausage /or/ Bacon?: oh dear, how can you choose? this is breakfast we are talking about! - both...
5. Breakfast in Bed /or/ Breakfast @ your fav Restaraunt?: definitely out at cafe/restaurant - always better when someone else cooks and no chance of crumbs in your bed...

after all that, i think i'm off to have some soft boiled eggs on white toast for my dinner...