Monday, February 09, 2004

back to bowling...

first night back at bowling - 106,112,124 - not bad, considering i have not bowled for 2 months... miss shell from work has joined our league so i have changed teams to bowl with her - she is very good!

work was ok today. have a temp sitting with me. at least he has an interest in the job and managed to look like he was happy being there... the day went very fast.

summer has finally hit with vengeance - 37C deg today (98.6F for the meteorologically challenged) - and will be +30C (86F) for the rest of the week... yuk...

managed to have a non weekend conversation with colorado tim this afternoon- it's not often that we are online at the same time during the week so it was very nice to have a chat with him. he always manages to make me laugh.

i'm madder than a cut snake so here's some...
1. On Sunday afternoon, I like to just hang out on the net...
2. I'm behind someone at a traffic light, the light turns green and they just sit there, I don't care, i don't drive...
3. My immediate reaction to someone making a nasty remark to me is to cringe then i think 'die, bitch'...
4. If I had to live in a state/country where it was cold most of the year, I would be a very happy girl...
5. When the weather outside is hot and humid, I prefer to go somewhere where the aircon is working...
6. My favorite 'comfy' clothes to wear around the house is my daggy cotton pants/shorts and an equally daggy cotton tshirt...
7. If given a deadline at work/school to finish a project, I usually finish it...
8. If someone gave me a pet for my birthday, I would worry that i would not be able to look after it properly...
9. As far as watching the clock on weekends, I don't...
10. I don't usually wash my car about every because i don't have one to wash...