Monday, February 02, 2004

wheeze, cough, splutter...

went to see doctor today to get something for the wheezing brought on by the bugspray... the inhaler thingy has helped but still rattling a bit... 29 years with bronchitis (16 of those as a cigarette smoker) and at 42 i finally have my first attack of asthma...

managed to catch up with colorado tim and watched the end of the superbowl while chatting to him. was 'rooting' for carolina but as usual, i can't pick a winner...

anyway, if this is monday, this must be
1. I probably spend about half of my life on the computer every day.
2. It always takes me between 30 & 75 minutes to get ready in the morning.
3. I would rather go to the dentist than go to the cinema to watch a sci-fi film...
4. My favorite dessert is um, dessert...
5. When I go to the store for one item, I always walk out with about ten (or more)....
6. If the statement, 'You are what you eat' was true, I would be a smorgasbord...
7. I set my thermostat to 'open the windows and turn on the fan' in the summer and 'close the windows and put the heater on' in the winter.
8. My favorite outdoor activity is walking.
9. My favorite indoor activity is surfing the net.
10. When I'm feeling down, I usually cry, talk to good friends, listen to music.