Monday, March 01, 2004


only 5 more visitors and i hit 1500!!! who will it be??

if this is monday, i must be mad
monday madness!

How many hours do you spend per week doing the following things?
1. Watching television
actually watching the tv? not many
having it on as background noise? too many
talking back to the idiots on there? lots
2. Sitting at the computer.
waaaaay too many
3. Reading a book
not as many as i used to
4. House work
not enough
5. Cooking
just enough so i don't starve
6. Eating
as many as it takes
7. Driving
a car? none at all
driving people mad? as many as i can
8. Working outside of your home
40 (or 38 when i'm not having a rostered day off)
9. Blogging
as many as i can fill with dumb things to say
10. Sleeping
never enough

i'm off to bowl now. more later!!