having spent most of my years on this planet being more an observer than an active participant of my own life, i have felt the need to start living that life and not wasting it. i have been somewhere in limbo - not quite the blahs but not quite right. i think i spend too much time online so i've tried to stay out of here for a bit. of course, i've been lurking but not spending hours at a time plonked down on my butt with my fingertips glued to the keyboard.
i have let my real life slide.
my flat is a mess. it was only when the 'national bathroom mould association' called and asked to hold their annual conference in my shower that i realised i needed to do something urgently... i am now suffering from bleach fume overload but at least i was able to turn down the conference request...
i am neglecting my friends. luckily this week there are a few social events lined up...
- 'the dears' at the gaelic club on thursday.
- drinks with my old mate sb on friday. (he lives down south, so will spend the night on my couch - another reason to clean the place up - i'd be too embarrassed to let him see the mess it has been lately!)
- 'the goodies' with mr at the state theatre on saturday
p.s. here is my belated monday madness... sorry otto!
otto says ' Thank you for taking the TIME to play last week!
This week it's all about T-I-M-E!! =)'
2. What are you usually doing at this time on any given day? on the net, blogging, talking to friends
3. Is there a day of the week that time seems to fly by faster than the other days? sunday
4. If you could make ONE hour of each day twice as long, which hour of the day would you choose? the hour between 5am and 6am - more sleep!
5. If you could make one DAY of the week twice as long, which day would you choose? saturday
6. If you could make one hour and/or one day HALF as long, which time of the day, and which day of the week would you choose? the hour before hometime at work and friday!
7. Do you agree with the following statement? "The older you get, the faster time goes by." oh, yes indeedy!
8. What do you usually do during your "down time?" get on the net... see the beginning of this post...
9. What one thing do you spend more time doing each day than anything else? um, being on the net...

some cities : doves
abc 702