in the supermarket, i had quite a trolleyful as i had run out of all of the basics - soap, shampoo, tp, moisturiser, toothpaste etc. so instead of using the usual express lane, i got into one of the regular checkout lines. only when i produced my amex to pay for it did i find out that it was a 'cash only' checkout. i pointed out that the signs saying so were not terribly obvious, only to be met by a chorus of 'ooh, yes it is' & 'ooh, there it is' from the gaggle of old ladies behind me. eek!! i was so close to letting them know that i had not invited them into a private conversation between myself and the checkout chick - of course that was NOT what i really wanted to say. i was amazed by my calm and that i did not say anything at all...
not again!! another solo

hot fuss : the killers
teenage werewolf/quarter to three/here in my hotel : faker (several obsessive times...)
abc 702