k8's party was quite fun considering i only knew miss e, k8 and their parents (who i've only met once before). plenty of good food, good wine and interesting people. today we went on sightseeing tour of newcastle - i have not been up that way for years and i had forgotten how lovely the beaches are up there. the train trip back was uneventful and i didn't have to share my seat with any rude people!
k8 has very kindly left her old mp3 player in my care while she is overseas (she and her boyfriend have bought themselves an ipod) so i've spent the evening working out how to use this new toy. i have filled it with some of my favourite songs and my discman can take a short holiday.
tomorrow i'm off to leura and katoomba with my mother. i have to be on a bus by 8.15am so i better get off the net and off to bed. goodnight!
a 3

hot fuss : the killers
the final straw : snow patrol
kicking the national habit : grand national
the runaway found : the veils
hopes & fears : keane
dreams : evermore
son of evil reindeer : reindeer section
abc 702