after very little sleep and a small to medium hangover on friday, i went out last night with my old mate sb and miss e. after a few quiet ciders in the city with the crew from work, we came back to randwick and had some dinner and several bevvies at the labour club. when they kicked us out of the club at 1am closing time, we staggered back to miss e's and listened to the velvety goodness that is elvis costello and then went up on to the roof and watched the passing traffic (not much at that time of the morning, but enough to keep us amused...)
as a member of the labour club, i accrue 'points' every time i buy a drink or a meal and when i play the one armed bandits. there is a cabinet full of 'things' you can exchange these points for and last night there was a 'galileo thermometer' in there and i had enough points!! i have wanted one for ages and i'm tickled pink to finally have it...

despite a low sleep/high-range hangover situation this morning, i was awake at about 7.30 and up and about by 8.30am. today was 'goodies' day and i don't just mean 'the goodies'!! thanks to the wonderful mr, i now have my 'garden state' dvd (which i'll be off to watch as soon as i post this) and i was a very, very naughty 3rd daughter and bought myself a cheap(ish) digital camera...
the goodies were fabulous - they are still very funny men and talked about how they met and played lots of bits of their shows, re-enacted one of their radio skits and as an encore they sang the funky gibbon song. i'm so glad i got to see them and i hope they take the tour around the uk for my fellow goodies-loving bloggers...

no cities left : the dears - now an official obsession...
the best of : new order - the original obsession...