tonight's plan to see eskimo joe was not cancelled. we got to the club quite early to avoid the rush and had to wait about an hour and a half before being able to enter the auditorium. we went to the downstairs bar and within about 30 seconds some guy sidled up to me and asked if we would like to drink with him. being the scaredy bunny that i am i just smiled and said no thanks and went and hid in a corner. i am so not used to being accosted by strange men, i had no idea what to do... must have been the combination of my new killer 'ere perez almond oil mascara' and the choc-berry lipstick i was wearing (must remember to glam up again next time i go out!) being a smaller venue than usual we actually got to get up close to the stage without being crushed. a great show as usual from one of my favourite bands. the support act, cortez, were really good but i cannot seem to find any reference to them on the whirled wild whatever. hopefully that will change soon, i'd like to see them again. miss e was very happy to get an autograph from eskimo joel at the end of the night. i have not seen her so happy for a long time.
another single

a song is a city : eskimo joe
cortez & eskimo joe : live - yeah!!
abc 702