i was very good and did the housework today

otto says 'How Many........'
1. ...computer-related gadgets do you own? um, just the one desktop pc. does a digital camera count?
2. ...pictures on your living room walls? 'photos' - 5 / 'art' - 7
3. ...magnets on your refrigerator? 17
4. ...reference books in your bookshelves? 6 including telephone directories
5. ...boxes of cereal in your cupboards? one - weetbix
6. ...lamps in your house? 2
7. ...times a week do you shop for groceries? as many as i can be bothered with
8. ...magazines do you subscribe to? 2 - choice and filmink
9. ...tv programs do you watch on a regular basis? none
10. ...items on your bathroom counter that don't really need to be there? none
another single

no cities left : the dears
some cities : doves
hot fuss : the killers (a slightly obsessive million times...)