i don't like being 44 - i am soooo not that old. my birthday was purely average and mostly crap - despite some lovely bits, there was too much not-so-good stuff.
yesterday and last night was spent at my parents place. they can easily drive me to distraction with their parental ways - it was easier to get mum to drive me to the station after this exchange with my father this morning:
dad: when are you going home?
mum (answering for me): i'm going to drop her off at the station on my way out.
dad: you don't want to spend the day with me? who will i talk to?
me: why would i, you never listen to a word i say...
dad: huh???
me: exactly...

1. Useless:: a glass eye at a keyhole
2. Radiant:: laundry detergent
3. W:: hotel
4. Unpaid:: slave
5. Geek:: nerd
6. Unfaithful:: putting it about
7. Reboot:: ctrl/alt/delete
8. No!:: what part of non, nein, αριθ, não, нет do you not understand?
9. Squad:: funky...
10. Fetish:: fixation
a 28

it's my life : talk talk
hot fuss : the killers
addicted romantic : faker
antics : interpol
turn on the bright lights : interpol
the best of : new order