today, i had a lovely day out with a new canadian friend, another person who has stepped out of the virtual world and into reality. we went to
king's cross (sydney's seedy, bohemian red-light district - less colourful and seedy by day), had coffee and some brunch in a darlinghurst cafe, then walked down to the city and on to
darling harbour. we had a brief visit to
star city (it was nice to escape the heat) and then walked through darling harbour back to central. my feet are sore and i'm soooo tired so i think i'll be having an early night.
1. Quirk:: eccentricity2. Crystal:: quartz3. Pet Peeve:: stupid people4. Cuban:: heels5. Breasts:: boobies6. Whispers:: chinese...
7. Complicated:: simple8. Promise me:: one thing9. Murder:: most horrid10. Filament:: light bulbi lost count but it was a 20+

day which is >200% of the
RDDHA yippee!!!