one thing i have done is sign up for no-contract, no-upfront-payment, free-adsl-modem, self-install, 12000mb/512k, broadband interwebthingy access. once the modem arrives and i get it installed, i may never leave my desk again... eek!!

1. Quaint:: peculiar
2. Rind:: bacon...
3. Disease:: ménière's...
4. Queer:: nowt so queer as folk
5. Pork:: sword (i apologise that this answer is a bit nsfw but it was the first thing that came to mind...)
6. Soaked:: saturated
7. Skeleton:: skellington
8. Mold:: mildew
9. Finished:: hand
10. Buffalo:: 66
10pm update::
iTunes meme found at elkit in wonderland via um...
How many songs? 1387
Top Five Most Played Songs:
All from Hot Fuss / The Killers
1. Mr Brightside
2. Smile Like You Mean It
3. Somebody Told Me
4. Jenny Was A Friend of Mine
5. All These Things That I’ve Done
First song that comes up on shuffle:
Kissing The Lipless / The Shins
Find the following words. How many songs come up?
sex: 15
death: 6
love: 84
Earliest Added: Sweet Sweet Love / Russell Morris
Last Added: Take It Easy (Love Nothing) / Bright Eyes
Last song in "Purchased Music": Nothing, I have never purchased music from ITunes as it is not yet available here in Australia. (I probably would not use it, even if it were…)
Artist with Most Albums: New Order - 6
Sort by song title:
First: ‘Til The End of Time / Delerium
Last: Zweite Neon / Richard Clapton
Sort by time:
Shortest: Opportunities (Reprise) / Pet Shop Boys – 0.33
Longest: The Road to Mandalay / Robbie Williams – 28.16
Sort by artist:
First: 10cc
Last: Zoot
Sort by album:
First: 20 Golden Greats of the 70’s
Last: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot / Wilco