a totally lazy butt day - i did very little except sleep and spend too much time on the net. i had a very revealing chat with my dear friend gjc - we don't get to talk often enough, so it was great to catch up. i have updated all the missing links to the new server, all the pictures in my archives will now appear. despite requests to the contrary, i have done a little bit of housework - just cleaned up the trail of junk (shoes, clothes, newspapers) that tends to stay where it lands until i decide to clean up. there is still the vacuuming, bathtub scrub and kitchen once-over to do but they will have to wait...
the good news? at 8.30am tomorrow, i have a telephone interview for the government job that i have applied for. wish me luck...
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RDDHA - it's to be expected if you don't leave the house.
music to my ears 
antics / turn on the bright lights : interpol
the best of / get ready : new order
abc 702jjj