woohoo!! what a night. bloc party were fabulous and so was the support band. as much as i love doves, this was by the far the better night. the support band for doves were rather pathetic, seemed quite bored to be there and did not engage with the audience (and they made a snide remark, telling the crowd they could 'stand up now' when they played their last song). tonight's support,
cut copy, were chatty and entertaining and happy to be there (and they reminded me a teeny bit of new order - that will always gain bonus points!) after two very loud nights out this week, i think my hearing is shot - a very interesting hissing/ringing sound in my right ear. i hope it does not keep me awake...
a dozen

day which is 120% of the
music to my ears 
some cities : doves
silent alarm : bloc party
bloc party (and cut copy) : live at the metro
abc 702