the holiday mode got off to a good start - with no alarm, the blinds firmly down and the curtains closed, i managed to sleep until 1pm. lazy, lazy susan. i just hope i can sleep tonight, i don't want to get into a pattern of late nights and even later sleep ins...
apart from sleep, i have spent the entire day on the net, aimlessly leaving my grubby paws all over the whirled wild whatever and engaging in

including a brief chat with colorado tim - we so hardly ever catch up lately and i miss him a lot.
a 0

day which is 0% of the
RDDHA - bound to happen when your lazy butt does not leave the computer all day...
music to my ears 
regatta de blanc : the police
hot fuss : the killers
can't buy a thrill : steely dan
remastered - then and now - the best of : steely dan
abattoir blues : nick cave & the bad seeds
it's my life : talk talk