"Finally, SUSAN, you begin to feel that you are making real progress. You wake up today intent upon completing some projects that have long been in the works. After many hours of concentration and focus, you dot the last "i" and cross the last "t" and proclaim yourself finished. Well done, SUSAN. You can expect to be richly rewarded for your efforts. Your skills are extraordinary, and you enjoy a real sense of satisfaction. Tonight: indulge yourself in a little celebrating!"
i turned up for my interview just before 10am and it started on time. i left the interview at 11.08am and met up with miss shell, as she already works there. we walked up to the rta office on york street so she could transfer the registration on her new car. while we were there, at 11.28am, i got a call from the human resources department of my NEW EMPLOYER to tell me that they were very impressed & excited to have me on the team and can i start on the 19th of september. YEAH ME!! they still had not done any reference checks so i won't get my letter of offer until they are done. i cannot wait to hand in my letter of resignation.
can you spell cheshire cat?
i cannot remove the dumb cheesy grin from my face
just before midnight update::
a visit to karen's reminded me that it is blogday. i have linked 5 recent random blog discoveries for your reading pleasure:
bored at the beach
the godawful truth
doing the right thing
motley krooie
two minute happiness
a perfect 10

tourist : athlete
dreams : evermore
vega 95.3