does anybody reading this have a well paying job for a smiling, hard working, bad tempered, well organised, trouble-making, friendly, attitudinous, lovable, computer literate, 40 something high school graduate??
just to cement my loser status, vega 95.3 have a 5 question morning quiz and the prize today was two tickets to see jimmy webb. i called the number and was gobsmacked to actually get through. i got put in the queue but never made it on air and i knew all of the answers!!! i will have to try again tomorrow.
10.45pm cheer me update: the jim rose circus is touring again!! november 15 16 & 17 at the footbridge theatre!! yeah!! saw his show last time he was in sydney. cannot remember when it was but it was a lotta lotta fun!! hoping i can organise some tickets even though i'm a bit poor this week. i know of at least three others who will want to go!
luckily i'm a winner with the dishlickers!! an amazing 24

vega 95.3