6.30pm update:: i have just spilt tea all over the tv, dvd, video & digital set top box and my dvd collection. damn!! there is tea in the powerboard so i wont be turning it back on anytime soon. i'll buy a new powerboard tomorrow. i was going to have a night away from the the computer but with no tv, i guess i'll just have to spend the night on the net *sigh*

1. Less filling:: more space??
2. Glue:: clag
3. Surprise me:: eek!!
4. Model:: citizen
5. Fee:: entry
6. Microphone:: feedback
7. Choices:: decisions, decisions
8. To the bone:: skin deep...
9. Run!:: snow patrol
10. Appeal:: sex... please give generously

a 19

hot fuss : the killers
the ego has landed : robbie williams
karma : delirium - disc 2
vega 95.3
abc 702