on another totally different tangent,i am freaking out... eek! eek!! eek!!! there is still no written confirmation. i keep waiting for someone to call and say 'sorry, we made a mistake' or worse, 'ha ha! it was a joke!!'. self doubt is such a bitch.
off to see last days with miss e tonight - our filmink freebie for the month.
more later...
update:: not much more to tell...
my old boss and friend, rc, confirmed that he had been called for a reference so i should get my letter tomorrow. i might stop panicking now...
my hair is very very dark brown - more like black - i look a bit like an aging goth.
movie was ok, a bit boring at the start but got better.
only a 2

vega 95.3 - i have received a letter from vega - i have to go and pick up my cd prize from their office. i can't enter any more contests for 30 days so there is little or no chance of me going to see jimmy webb...