1. truth
2. lie - my sister's birthmark was shaped like a palm tree, not a pineapple...
3. truth

otto says "Another selection of questions suggested by our fellow participants!! Have fun!! =)".
1. If you could only take one item with you on to a deserted island what book, movie, music would you take? one item only or one of each??? i can't just play the game - i have to ask more questions...
book? ooohhh!! too hard!! um... i have to cheat and take more than one. dorothy parker, bill bryson, my edward gorey books....
movie?? do they have dvd/video players on desert islands? i'd probably cheat again and take one dvd box but stick in two or three movies - bridget jones's diary, fight club & high fidelity
music??? i'd need a power outlet to recharge the batteries... and once again i'd cheat and take snow patrol, duran duran, new order, the panics, the veils...
oh bugger it, i think i'll just stay at home...
2. What's the most disgusting thing that you have ever eaten or even just put in your mouth?? something call 'ark shell' in a japanese restaurant - it was gross and i had to spit it out into my napkin and hide it...
3. What one thing would you do differently if given the chance? where do i start??? there is no such concept as 'one thing' in my life... i would have finished high school, travelled more, made better decisions... it goes on and on...
4. What political party, if any, do you belong to? none
5. Do you like icees? i have no idea what an icee is but i think it may be related to a slurpee. crushed ice and syrup? yum, nothing better on a hot summer's day.
6. East or West? north, south, east & west. they don't exist without each other...
7. Will we ever "all" be happy with the current political situation???? duh!! of course not...
8. Cookies or Crackers? cookies, please...
9. What fun thing did you do today? dragged out my edward gorey 'amphigorey' books and had a quick read while playing monday madness.
...and #10 has nothing to do with any of the above questions.........
10. Why?? aarrgghhh... i have asked that question a million times in the last week. i don't know why!

127, 99 129 - could be better... last week's 173 pushed my average up 2 bits to 119.
we've slipped back to 2nd place and with tonights meagre two points, it may be worse next week... eek...
happiness challenge:
lunch with miss marina - she cheers me up immensely.
today's soundtrack:
the final straw : snow patrol