1. What's "it" all about, anyway? 'it' is about truth, honesty, decency & treating others with respect - sadly lacking in too many people these days. some in particular who shall remain nameless but i'm sure they know who they are.
2. What radical political ideas do you have, if any? make all politicians accountable for their words and actions and cut their salary/wages back to that of the 'average' income earner (ha, bloody ha - i'm a dreamer, aren't i??)
3. Do you believe that you 'fit' the profile of your astrological star sign? yippee!!! my question!!! of course i do! typical bloody cancerian - hurt me and i'll hide in my shell but not before i've snapped my big nasty claws at you.
4. Will blogging survive 2005 or is it a fad? it will for me. i have no intention of giving up.
5. Do you Ebay? If so, what and how often? Is it a full-time job, part-time hobby, or just to clear the junk from your house? just a bit of fun. i have sold one thing and bought one thing.
6. True or False: When I vote, I am all for one party. false - i don't give a sh*t. most politicians don't deserve my vote.
7. Meat or veggie sauce on your spaghetti? a little bit of both.
8. Would you ever be on a TV Reality Show? noooooooooooooo!!!
9. What is one thing (or place) that you would like to do (or see) that you have not yet done (or seen?) i want to go to mauritius and madagascar and see lemurs and chameleons on the wild. oh, and i want to go to sumatra and volunteer in one of the places that rehabilitate orang-utans back into the forest.
10. Do you answer memes honestly? very, i think that is fairly obvious...

we only got two points from 10 and are now 2nd on the ladder :(
the good news? i bowled 125, 120, 173 - YIPPEE!!!!!!!
happiness challenge:
apart from my fabulous 173 game, my friend harryo has lent me (on a permanent basis) one of his old minidisc recorder/player thingies. it is one of the tiny ones that weighs next to nothing and i can record stuff using my dvd player because it has a digital output - yippee!!!
today's soundtrack:
the runaway found : the veils - still loving it