last night was spent over at miss e's flat. we had a pizza delivered and celebrated saturday with a bottle of freixenet and another of rose. we had a long d&m about life, the universe and all men are bastards, we laughed, we cried and then we went down the road to a construction site where there is a billposter for the next eskimo joe concert that we are going to. i snapped a photo of the poster on my new phone-cam and when i work out how to email it to myself, i'll post it here.
today we went to see 'before sunset' courtesy of this month's filmink freebie. a lovely, lovely film. i'm going to try to find 'before sunrise' - the local video store does not have it but i'm sure it is available.

- Server:: nt 4.0
- Charlotte:: north carolina
- Jackson:: pollock
- Resentment:: anger
- Controlling:: dominating
- Intense:: extreme
- November:: nine
- Donkey:: inky pinky ponky
- Weave:: warp & weft
- Satisfies:: snickers
i have to do a double happiness today to cover for yesterday.
saturday's is fairly obvious - a gazillion dog day!
today i am happy that i'm not as unhappy as i have been lately (weirdlogic'r'us...)
weekend soundtrack:
the runaway found : the veils
a house on a street in a town i'm from : the panics
the final straw : snow patrol
hopes & fears : keane
the last broadcast : doves
p.s. sorry about friday night's bad tempered posting... i sure did have my grump on. anger does not sit well on my shoulders and it tends to have physical side effects if i hold on to it. this time, i let it get to me and it took it's toll. my anger is justified and i've done what i need to do to remove it. i try not to let this stuff seep into my wee bloggy but i'm finding that it helps when i put it somewhere outside of my head.