here is my sunday...

i was soooo tired last night that i was in bed by 10.30pm. this morning, i did not fall from my nest until 11.55am so technically i did not sleep for half of the day... i have done nowt but blogcruise since and it looks like not much else will get done. i'm having a slug kinda day.

- Testicles:: possibly the least pretty things ever created :)
- Ribald:: raunchy
- Auction:: dutch...
- Inch:: mile
- Tony:: anthony
- Phony:: fake
- Stool:: toad...
- Coyote:: wile e...
- Cinderella:: fairy tale
- Battery:: duracell bunny
the final straw : snow patrol
hopes & fears : keane
a song is a city : eskimo joe
the last broadcast : doves
son of evil reindeer : the reindeer section
speaking of snow patrol and keane, i got this poster on ebay! yippee!! i did not win it but got it on the 2nd chance option & paid less than the winner so i'm happy!