happiness challenge:
we were given a 'ticket' for the bus trip. the numbers on the ticket were used for some lucky door prizes - the usual guff of caps, backpacks, water bottles, t-shirts etc. the main prize was a hp ipaq thingy and miss e won it. i was so happy for her and she is very pleased with herself. it could not have gone to a more deserving person. go girl!

the final straw : snow patrol - i just cannot go to long without hearing this.
stolen from nisi's via sarah...
Things n Stuff
Ten things you will never hear me say:
1. no thanks, i don't like chocolate.
2. it's 8.30pm - i must go to bed!
3. sure, i'll babysit your three year old!
4. yum, a plate of capsicum and beansprouts for dinner.
5. mmm, bourbon and coke.
6. i love doing housework. i find it relaxing.
7. wow, 41°C - what great weather. i love it when it's this hot!
8. delta goodrem - she's great! so talented!
9. john howard isn't that bad. *
10. i can't drink coffee, it keeps me awake.
(* pinched from nisi)
Nine reasons to befriend me:
1. i can cook
2. i'll keep your secrets
3. i'm funny (ha-ha and peculiar)
4. i'm low maintenance - i don't need to be coddled and fussed over
5. i'll share my chocolate
6. i can't sing, so i wont make you listen to me when i do
7. i'll let cry on my shoulder and pour out your heart when you need to
8. i won't ever judge you but will be there to hold your hand when it all goes pearshaped
9. occasionally i'll surprise you
Eight dogs I want and the names I'd give them:
1. gordon setter - gordon
2. pug - igby
3. labrador - penny
4. jack russell - ziggy
5. schnauzer - rex
6. dalmation - mac (short for macchiato)
7. beagle - snoopy (what else!)
8. a shaggy, fuzzy bitzer - bob
Seven favorite unsafe web HEX colors:
1. um,
2. i
3. don't
4. know
5. what
6. unsafe web hex numbers
7. are...
Six favorite CDs*:
1. snow patrol : the final straw
2. reindeer section : son of evil reindeer
3. doves : the last broadcast
4. eskimo joe : a song is a city
5. duran duran : greatest
6. tears for fears : elemental
* all of the above as of right now. subject to change
Five stores I love:
1. i'm starving - my morning coffee fix
2. any 2nd hand bookstore
3. shoe shops that sell shoes > size 10
4. dymocks bookstore
5. body shop
Four screen names from my past:
1. sfm2406
2. smee4
3. mntsnq
4. marilyn monroe - ha ha ha ha
Three favorite cities:
1. london
2. paris
3. sydney
Two ways to turn me on, baby:
1. talk to me intelligently, make me laugh
2. we'll see what happens from there...
One thing I'd like to eat right now:
1. the first word that came to my head was pizza... not sure if that is what i want but my mind seems to think so...