got into work just before 1pm and left at 5pm. i could get used to working half days. not a lot has happened since i was last there. we all have new computers. some smart person thought it would be a good idea to install the new computers before we pack up and move to the new building (it's only two weeks away! eek!), to make sure that everything works. there will be enough time wasted setting up our new desks without having to deal with a new computer as well. let's just hope the network stuff at the new building is all plugged in properly...
12 dogs, no soundtrack - i need to recharge my discman batteries.

1. What is your favorite sport? bowling, of course!
2. Do you watch sports on television? bowling & darts - sadly they are only on cable so i don't get to see them anymore (and yes, darts is a 'sport' of sorts!!)
3. In high school, did you (or do you) play any sports? netball, softball, rounders, bowling, french cricket - not very good at any of them. being shortsighted did not help the hand/eye coordination thing. i didn't get glasses until i was about 15...
4. Any favorite teams? no
5. If applicable, did you (or do you) attend your child's games? n/a
6. Do you think professional athletes make too much money? yes

no bowling tonight - i am poor. i hate the monday before payday!
p.s. does anybody know where i might have put my birth certificate? i've looked everywhere and cannot find it... where do you put things for safekeeping and then forget where it was?