a much more active day today: up and out early to meet miss e at 9.40am. we went to see hero down at the ritz - an astounding movie - i highly recommend that you see it, if you haven't already. the storyline is excellent, the cinematography is awesome and the use of colours is amazing. i found this link, which gives a good explanation of the colours used, via a comment from this gentleman over at starbuck's blog.
after the movie, we walked down to coogee and had a coffee and then went to the greengrocer and supermarket to get some salad things - i'm intending to walk every day and to eat healthy things this week.
there was a firetruck parked in the bus stop outside the record store, so a four fireman sighting added to a 10 dog day with some quality timchat this afternoon makes this a happy susan day.

kicking the national habit : grand national
the runaway found : the veils
the final straw : snow patrol
when it's all over we still have to clear up : snow patrol
the three EPs : the beta band (an interesting listen - lent to me by the cute swiss boy at work.)
back later for some unconcious muttering...