today i had my last lunch with miss marina for a while - just when all my oldest and dearest friends are working nearby, i'm moving to the other end of town. i will miss the boys at i'm starvin' too. i doubt that i will find a coffee/sandwich shop even half as good at the new location.
during my excursions through the land of blog explosion, i came across a link to this site where there was an offer for a free banner in exhange for a link to this site. being the freebie freak and linkwhore that i am, i've put in a request. i have no idea how to make banners, so i'm glad there are people out there who are willing to do it for me!! thank you dizzy girl!!
i'm off to the couch to watch 'notting hill' on the tele now - have a great weekend!!

kicking the national habit : grand national - ah... bliss!!