not a bad week at work. have been off the phones, catching up on the call centre statistics. all up to date!! apparently one of the new girls is some sort of spreadsheet/database queen and will be able to automate it all and produce a 17 page report with the press of a button... lol... i'm waiting to see that...
no bowling this week, did not feel well enough to be chucking an 11lb ball around for 2 or 3 hours. don't ask why, you don't want to know... i was in a painkiller induced sleep on the couch by 8pm...
tonight i had a 26 year old man (boy?) contact me via my yahoo profile. i don't know why this happens, but sometimes it does. we had a chat for a bit and will probably chat again. maybe my profile has some hidden message that translates as 'has a thing for young men'... (i like men. of all ages...) whatever, he was fun to chat to. nowt wrong with that.
i've also been chatting with the colorado tim, london mlb, eg in nz, kb here in sydney, kd in the uk and south carolina ray in the last 24 hours. so many man, so little time...

1.) What makes your country special?
it's location, the native flora and fauna, pretty much everything
2.) What makes your hometown special?
where i grew up - um, nothing. sydney itself, it's just the best!
3.) What makes your neighbourhood special?
it is close to the city and i just love living here. one of my dearest friends lives just across the road.
4.) And your loved ones - what is it about them???
they are special because i have chosen to have them in my life and they have chosen me.
5.) And finally you - what is it that is unique about you...???
me! there is nobody else on the planet like me...

Executive Decisions
The Networks are getting ready to announce their new fall schedules. Imagine what would happen if you could play programmer for one day!
1.) What shows would make up a perfect night of TV viewing for you?
a couple of cooking shows, a few episodes of british 'ground force', some music videos and then a few hours of classic english comedy.
2.) What show(s) would you cancel without a moment's hesitation?
most reality shows, soap operas
3.) Is there a show (previously cancelled or just no longer airing) that you'd bring back, original cast and all?
the young ones
~Bonus~ You get to create one show to put on the schedule, with any stars you choose. Who and what would it be?
the jeff bridges show, all day, every day... *swoon*
Thanks for playing "Programmer for a Day", now don't let the power go to your head - you know what Donald Trump says... "You're Fired!"