had a flu vaccination at work today - the company provides it free in the hope it will stop us all from getting sick and taking time off... my arm is a bit sore but the actual injection didn't hurt a bit. the nice nurse gave us a lollypop and a little bag of goodies as well... a nice day for getting things for nothing!!
tonight was the night i made some long overdue phone calls. i called my mother and we had a good chat about nothing much. i called mrs jane who has not been well, but is on the mend and i spoke to my friends fluffy and lizzy in brissy. it has been way tooooo long since we've had contact. they still love me and miss me and i love and miss them. am going to try and organise a trip up there soon. jetstar have tickets for $29 one way - for $58 return, i'm game!
as a bonus, on top of all the other good things, it was a 13 dog day. i'm a very lucky girl...

1. Would you rather be alone or surrounded by enemies for the rest of your life, and why? alone. being surrounded by enemies would be far more lonely and scary than being alone...
2. Would you choose an eternal but cursed life, or death? Why? death, please. i know i can come back to another life. a cursed eternity would be hell, forever...
3. What 5 websites do you visit first everyday? yahoo mail, hotmail, sitemeter, my wee bloggy, new comments on wee bloggy.

1. Who's your Dream Hunk?: jeff bridges
2. When was your Last Nightmare?: not sure exactly when but it was recent.
3. Do you have recurring dreams?: yes, but no as often as i used to.
4. Do you always remember your dreams?: yes, mostly. more than most people i know. i also dream in colour.
5. Do you keep a Dream Journal?: no
good night!