Saturday, April 24, 2004

red head

just a quick post while i let the colour go to my head... today i had my hair cut back to short (chin level) and it looks sooooo much nicer. it has been 8 months since i've had it cut. much too long and straggly. nice and short and straight again now. i've also given up on growing old gracefully. i've just put loreal pure ruby power through my hair. the bathroom looks like a massacre has occurred. this stuff is RED!! the little colour booster tube had a leak so i have red stains all over my hands - eek! i thought i had busted an artery or something... i'm sure the marks will fade.

had brunch with miss e after my haircut and then another coffee this afternoon with my friend matt who travelled to this side of the pond to get coffee grinder for his whizzbang espresso machine. i know i harp on about it, but i am a lucky girl who has some lovely friends.

anyway, i'm off to a surprise birthday party tonight so may be in no fit state to blog when/if i get home... everytime i go to this person's house, i get smashed... to make matters worse, i've had about 4 hours sleep after staying up until 5am chatting with mr kim... i think i will end up having an early night.

see ya later!