1.) Would you prefer to live in an urban, suburban, or rural area; and why? i live in a suburban area that is not far from the urban area and it is perfect. i can jump on an express bus and be in the city with 10-15 minutes but i'm far enough away from the city to know that i'm home. i'd like to live in a rural area in the future, when i don't have to work...
2.) If a fountain of youth did exist, would you drink from it? no, it would only be putting off the inevitable.
3.) What do you want your dying words to be? if i die right now, at least i will die happy....

TRIGGER::::: It's usually..... when i have write an answer to something like this, that my mind goes blank...

Girly Goods
1.) Silver or Gold?: gold but have & wear both
2.) Fav Perfume Scent?: boudoir - vivienne westwood
3.) Lipstick Color?: clinique black honey but this might be overtaken by stila red gloss
4.) Shampoo Brand?: pantene
5.) Your Naughty Splurge?: expensive perfume
today's soundtrack:
galleon : richard pleasance
greatest hits : fleetwood mac
rhinestone cowboy - the best of : glen campbell
short note : matt finish
good night...